STORAGE TANKS for storing various materials / more of Petroleum Products constructed in various materials (CS, several grades of Stainless Steel), as well as an authorized Constructor under P E S O (Petroleum and Explosives Safety Organization)
The words STORAGE TANKS might read simple and draw non-serious attention. Any STORAGE TANK that would store in bulk any kind of product that would activate any type of hazards – (Fire / Explosion / resultant severe land damages / Floods – when kindled anyway) – do come under Petroleum and Explosives Safety Organization (formerly Chief Controller of Explosives) and the law holds beginning from its designing conforming to the required engineering and technical codes. Therefore, any contractor interested to directly undertake the construction of Storage Tanks needs is to acquire an authorization from P E S O.
We have acquired our registration with The Chief Controller of Explosives way back in 1998 and making it permanent the next year in 1999. All our constructions since then are performing fine without any complaint of defective work, as on date.
Incidentally, the old method of construction consisted of building one shell of the Storage Tank on the already laid Bottom Plate placed on the Bitumen topped Civil Pad Foundation, beginning with the bottom shell one on the other after completing all welding – between each Shell Portion forming a full Shell, Shell to the Bottom Plate and Shell to Shell – and finally taking up building the roof along with the rafters and as per the Design & Detailing to that particular Storage Tank.
The present method that is adapted by all is first constructing the top two or more shells totaling for a minimum of 3 Meters height and then to construct the roof, jack them up to continue with the other shells towards bottom. Fully cylindrically formed matching with the designed diameter and completely Welded Shells are jacked (with special purpose hydraulic Jacks placing them in equal distances of the perimeter of the Storage Tank and as many depending on the length of the perimeter) to construct the shells in a descending order from the top and with the bottom shell for building last.
Construction by Jacking Method reduce the tensions of maintaining the Safety, Health and Environment factors as the workers shall work at a low and safe height though all the safety equipment in place; and the fumes from welding shall just fly to the top of the construction.
These are in addition to the time saved by lesser physical mobility of the workforce to enter or come out from the bottom during work. The bottom plate also can be kept neat with regular picking of debris and sweeping during the construction; as well psychologically sustain the morale of the workers at a high as functioning in a clean environment.
We construct Storage Tanks conforming more to the engineering codes prescribed in API 650 and others as preferred by Clients and Engineering Consultants; including indigenous INDIAN STANDARDS
We have now come into contact with several other Contractors who too have excelled in their own fields of activities. Many of them competed with us for undertaking Pipeline Works. Sometime later..
A Professional Contractor whose main involvement has been with the Installation of various Process and Utility Equipments with an acquired individual work experience of above 20 years then in 1983, renowned for his installing skills utilizing both conventional and Cranes & motorized Winches and as well having worked abroad under exalted veteran constructors like BECHTEL, as well in
after observing us for long as a co-contractor at many project sites, and due to similar sincere intent toward executing an entrusted work, admiring our way of work as well essentially practicing public relations / co-ordination with all concerned at the work-site, as well deploying qualified Engineers and other Graduates for Site work, proposed to us to utilize his services on a Joint Venture basis.
We have by then (during 1983) have attained and earned goodwill serving a number of Principal Construction Companies. We have been also directly serving several manufacturing Clients many of whom are also within a reach of 5 KM from our Office and Works, serving them at their beck and call always We have provided housing to all our workforce near our own premises on this count as well as that of Owner). We have thus further established ourselves earning goodwill from our Clients.
We therefore with confidence have approached our Clients for providing us an opportunity to install equipment at their plants. We have been tested first by ICI and
TCL) with dismantling and transporting the equipment’s to an earmarked place using then conventional methods – Chain Pulley Blocks, Manual / Motorized Winches, Wire / Nylon Ropes, Placing Slings, Turn Buckles, Single / Double / Triple Pulleys, Wooden Sleepers, Mechanical Jacks, Pallet Frames & Rails, Tri-Pods and Derricks – as mobility of Cranes are restricted inside a running plant. These conventional methods though time consuming have been much safe to handle and use, involving double and final checks.
At present the installation of equipment’s have become a part of the total work; it is install the equipment and inter connect with pipelines to the other; or feeding point to consumer point; or fabricate, supply and erect the equipment in its location; and all these in running plants or during shut-down works.
There are now and have been in the past works of total installation of all Process / Utility Equipment’s required for the up-coming project, quite a large number of different varieties and totally weighing above 2000 MT. We have a few such work experiences of these kind of total installation of equipment’s, twice for THIRUMALAI CHEMICALS LIMITED and once for INDIAN ADDITIVES LIMITED. Please see certificates.
We have installed a 108 MT Reactor more than 3 M long at a height of 8 Meters within 6 hours using conventional tools, with its preparation taking more than THREE DAYS; a tall 25 M long X Dia. 2.1 M Distillation Condenser on Civil Foundation first welding the TWO Equal pieces; and there are many others.
We have still used Cranes, keeping them far away outside the plant due to the impediment of mobility, to install equipment’s inside a plant by properly positioning Single / Double / Triple Pulleys and using Steel Wire Ropes, supplementing with other tools / tackles; a Boiler weighing 20 MT positioning two simple Hydraulic Cranes of 10 MT Capacity, far away from the location for installation utilizing them merely to pull or lower, and lowering the Boiler from the top of the open roof of Plant – app. 15 M above ground and inserting and lowering through a made out hole for this purpose. We have thus installed Process & Utility Equipment’s along with different Pumps (Vertical Turbine Pumps with a discharge capacity of 5700 LPS) providing true alignments using Dial Gauges; using them for all Rotary Equipment’s
Sometime back during a fixed period of planned Shut-Down Works at Chennai Petroleum Corporation Limited, we have installed after replacing Flare Tip and Molecular Water Seal Drum totally weighing 52 MT at an elevation of 104 M using 400 MT Telescopic Cranes and motorized winches as well replacing the Water Seal Drum at the bottom of Flare Chimney.